
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Shipping News: Teen Wolf is breaking my head also a New Girl hook-up… finally

Image Credit

Hello lonely reader – sorry for the lack of shipping news lately but it’s that time of the month when I pimp my services out to AfterElton to talk all things slash so be sure to check it out. This week – a long awaited hook up, a Larping lesbian, an Eonline poll (with conditions) and so much Teen Wolf news that it literally hurts (I’m going to burst Teen Wolf slow down).

Spoilers for New Girl and Teen Wolf.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fangirl 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Fan Fiction

Now hopefully you’ve grasped the concepts of shipping and slash… but the question is, what do we do with it? Well here’s where we leave the safety of just watching (and maybe talking about) texts and move into the depths of fandom where it isn’t just about absorbing the vision of powers-that-be but creating your own. That’s right fan fiction is a mystical, magical (and slightly terrifying) world that is usually either feared or ignored… but don’t fret because UndieGirl’s here to help guide your journey from passive to active fandom (sorry I’ll try not to refer to myself in the third person ever again).

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UndieGirl talks Tropes: Fake/Pretend Relationships

Remember when Patrick Dempsey couldn’t get a date so he blackmailed a popular girl (Amanda Peterson) into pretending to go out with him (Can’t Buy Me Love). What about when Nick desperately asked Norah to be his girlfriend for five minutes after his ex turned up unexpectedly (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist).  Or even when Easy A’s Brandon was so desperate to stay in the closet that he begged Olive to fake a sexual encounter... That, ladies and gentlemen is the fake/pretend relationship trope. There are a million other examples I could give but all that would do is reveal the absolutely ridiculous amount of knowledge I have about romantic comedy’s and romance novels besdies I think you get the gist.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shipping News: Winchester angst, vampire love triangles, magical lesbians and more

Hi guys I’m back from my travels and all I brought you was this lousy shipping news. Seriously though, I’m a bit out of the loop of all things fandom due to lack of Internet but I’ve done my best to catch up on all the new television and spoilers. So let’s see how I do then shall we. I’ve got Winchester angst, Vampire love triangle trouble, a new magical lesbian ship, good times for Klainers and of course some Teen Wolf gossip.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Recap-turing Teen Wolf: A Second Chance is a Gift

Well it’s been a while between recaps but I’m back and we have lots of gratuitous male flesh to keep you happy. This episode is all about second chances… for Scott anyway (and I guess for Derek too) as he tries to deal with the consequences of trying to date a hunter’s daughter.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shipping News: New Year, same ships.

First Shipping News of 2013 and there is A LOT to cover because I have been super slack over the holiday period (I had a chest infection and my best friend got married… it’s not my fault). Anyway I’m back now and I have shipping fun for everyone. This week there’s magical lesbians, more Teen Wolf drama, Catching Fire pics, Merthur’s tragic ending, another Supernatural baby and some spoilery tweets from Ryan Murphy.

Monday, January 7, 2013

13 things I’m looking forward to in 2013

It’s 2013, can you believe it? I guess I have to believe it, but I’m not ready to accept it just yet. Whether or not I want it to or not, 2013 is happening so I may as well embrace it. To get pumped for the year to come I have compiled a list of 13 things I’m looking forward to in 2013. Despite my problems with the speed of time there are actually quite a few things to get excited about this year including a bunch of blockbuster movies, some discussion worthy television and a couple of books. Right well I should stop procrastinating and get on with the list already then we can all get on with making 2013 the best year yet.