
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Talking Teen Wolf: Ignore the Emotional Trauma and Focus on Isaac's WetT-Shirt

After last week’s disappointment I am happy to say that Teen Wolf is back on form with “Unleashed” so there is no need to abandon ship just yet. Speaking of ships – apparently Teen Wolf ships Isaac with everyone? Or maybe it’s just that Daniel Sharman constantly looks like he’s in heat? IDK but it’s a thing. Isaac is possibly the most shippable character ever. Okay so maybe I am talking about Isaac’s sexual prospects because I want to ignore all of the pain he went through this week. But as far as I’m concerned repression is a healthy way of dealing with unwanted emotions so let’s talk about Isaac’s wet t-shirt.

Maybe it’s just that lasts week’s ep lowered by standards but I really liked “Unleashed”. Sure it wasn’t my favoruite ep ever but it was pretty god damn enjoyable… not to mention emotional traumatizing. Derek what are you doing???? All in all though I really like it and I am super intrigued to see where this goes now they have added Druids to the mythology.

The best bits: Scott flirting with the cutie at the Vet. The dog didn’t die. Jennifer wielding that stick against Derek. Derek lurkflirting. Derek talking lit (my panties are gone). Stiles begging for someone to sex him. Danny offering and Stiles considering it. LOCKER ROOM! Shirtless Danny and Isaac. The twins running (they looked so happy). Scott caught between Stiles and Isaac. Cora is Season 1 Derek. Kali is amazing. The return of Mama Argent (if only for a second). Danny’s green t-shirt. The epic prank war. Danny rushing to Ethan’s aid. Allison and Isaac clear the air. Isaac’s panic attack. Isaac, Scott, Allison = threesome. Dead baby day. Stiles equates every death with his mothers death. Allison can hotwire a fucking motorbike. Stiles calling Deaton on his cryptic bullshit. Deucalion’s epic villain speech. He’s the demonwolf yo. DRUIDS!!! Stiles, Deaton and Lydia – the magical detectives. Isaac turns up at Scott’s soaking wet… in a white t-shirt. And finally Mr Harris is dead but also he kind of did it this time.

The worst bits: Still no closure for Erica’s death. What the hell happened to Boyd after the full moon – does no one care? Where does Derek find the time to flirt with cute teachers when he’s spiraling into a pit of self-loathing and despair? Stiles didn’t seem that interested in Danny’s offer (you could be so lucky). More growling and slow motion in the fight scenes. The Sheriff still doesn’t know (someone tell him god damn it). Not enough interaction between Cora and Derek – I need to know more about them.

Remember to read my incredibly long recap that I wrote while slightly tipsy at about 2am in the morning (if you don’t have the time I wrote a shorter review here). Otherwise check out: Price Peterson, Hello Tailor, Heather Hogan or Heath. They’re all awesome so read whatever takes your fancy.


Bits and Pieces:
  • Tyler Posey talks about Scott and Allison’s future at Read it here.
  • In twitter adventures this hilarious conversation happened.
  • Crystal Reed and Tyler Posey attended the premiere of The Long Ranger. Check out some pics here (Crystal looks spectacular).
  • Holland Roden and Tyler Hoechlin attended the Los Angles Comic Book and Science Fiction Convention. (x) (x)
  • Alpha twins, Max and Charlie Carver have been cast in David Lindelof’s HBO drama pilot The Leftovers.
  • Holland and Posey were guests on Loveline this week. Find out the details here.
  • Hoechlin was interviewed at the MMVAs – watch it here (there’s a Sterek mention).
  • Holland talks Lydia and love interests for ETOnline here.
  • Sinqua Walls teases Boyd’s mysterious past to here. Another interview here.
  • If you missed it, Daniel Sharman took over the Teen Wolf Twitter. You can see the highlights here (also this).
  • Our very own teen wolf, Tyler Posey, has been selected by Variety as an honoree for the annual Power of Youth gathering.
  • You can watch episode 3 of The FANtastic Show here – it features the always adorable Holland Roden. Holland hints that Stiles might be in with a chance – romantically. As their friendship is the best part of Season 3 so far I sincerely hope that isn’t true.
  • MTV Style has done a feature on Teen Wolf fashion – both cast and characters – check it out here.
  • Did Kate Argent save the Teen Wolf slash fandom from misogyny? Lady Geek Girl considers this question here. Not sure about this but it’s an interesting idea.
  • MTV Remote Control Blog has written and step-by-step guide to werewolf hunting (based on Chris Argents tips from 303) read it here. Personally I prefer kedreeva’s list of Teen Wolf intimidation techniques.
  • Posey’s skating injuries are werewolf bait… apparently.
  • Dylan O’Brien talks Stiles romantic prospects and playing a character for an extended period of time to
  • Zap2it has listed 10 evil druid possibilities including: Jennifer Blake, Gerard Argent and Dr Deaton.
  • Jeff Davis has ANOTHER Tumblr Q&A – you can read a recap here and here. He’s still a sassy bastard and he’s still not giving us any real information.


Teen Wolf is coming back to Comic Con! That’s right most of your Teen Wolf faves (and Jeff Davis) will be making the trek to San Diego in July to answer all your questions. Guests include: Tyler Posey, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Crystal Reed, Holland Roden, Daniel Sharman, Max Carver and Charlie Carver… it’s going to be a big one.

Personally I am excited because this is the first step in my plan to get drunk with the cast of Teen Wolf at Comic Con. And by plan I mean fantasy because the next step is that I need someone to pay for me to fly from Sydney to San Diego, give me tickets to Comic Con, introduce me to the cast of Teen Wolf, stop me from molesting Hoechlin and convince them to spend a significant amount of time drinking with me (I’ll also need some booze money). It’s totally doable right?

Guardian angels/fairy godmothers please apply within.

Teen Wolf takes over Hypable!

The awesome people over at Hypable have decided to spend a month celebrating the little show that could… I’m talking about Teen Wolf of course. The celebration involves all kinds of fun articles like Brook’s character dating profiles (boys/girls). Totes hilarious so go give it a read then come back and tell me which Teen Wolf character you would most like to date. (My ultimate Teen Wolf date would be Chris Argent and he’s not on the list – he would have to be wearing the thigh holster of course… his wife can come too – shh she’s not dead).

Speaking of Hypable – the girls from Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast are looking for a special guest to join them for their recap of 306 “Motel California” (that’s the one Dylan wrote a scene for). They’re looking for a lucky fan to inject a little variety for one episode. So if you have things to say about Teen Wolf you should probably shoot them an email. Check out the details here (they’re all awesome ladies so you should probably go talk to them).


If you could see me right now you would know that I am wearing a party hat but you can’t because blogging is a text based medium so I’m not exactly sure why I put this hat on but I was really excited and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyway, Teen Wolf won an award! A Saturn Award for Best Youth Orientated Series to be exact. I think that is definitely party hat worthy news don’t you think?


Tyler Posey wrote this on his Instagram about the win:
Thank you MTV and the #saturnawards for giving me and the rest of the teen wolf cast and crew this incredible opportunity to be recognized for our hard work and dedication on this journey that has just been the best and most amazing job I have ever encountered. We all deserve this. Thank you!

An open letter to… Daniel Sharman.

As I mentioned early, last Monday Daniel Sharman packed up his designer scarf collection and took over the reigns of the Teen Wolf twitter for an hour as the episode aired. It was everything you could have imagined and then so much better. Then there was the fact that Isaac stole this week’s episode with eye fucking, wet t-shirts and emotional trauma. That’s why Daniel is the recipient of this week’s open letter.

Dear Daniel,

Hi * giggles * first of all – thank you for spelling everything correctly! Secondly you should probably just give in and get a twitter. Matt wants you to get one and I think it’s generally a good idea to follow Matt’s advice. Anyway your brief foray into the twitteverse was totes adorable. 10/10. Would recommend. And I would like to see more of it but that’s actually not the reason for this open letter.

We need to talk about the fact that Isaac looks at basically every character on Teen Wolf like he wouldn’t be opposed to a little bump and grind. I mean I get it, that would basically be me if I got transported into the Teen Wolf universe (before I got killed course). It just makes things kind of confusing. I mean he has a crush on Lydia, he gets awfully close to Erica and there was the sexy dance with Jackson. Then there’s Derek, Cora and Peter and whatever the fuck the thing is with Scott (epic romance). Let’s not forget Allison (ot3). Is Isaac just incredibly horny or is this all out of some desperate need to be loved?

Okay so it doesn’t really bother me that much, I just wanted to talk about it and it’s not like you’re going to read this letter anyway. If you are reading this… hi * giggles * I like your cheekbones and I’m going to stop now.

Lots of love,

UndieGirl, xx

P.S. You totally rocked that wet white t-shirt… also the scarf… actually you just rock everything you wear. Please continue as you were.

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week isn’t exactly Teen Wolf related but it comes from my favourite social media guru so it counts. It was probably my favourite response to the whole Texas/Wendy Davis situation.


Personally I think this is a good plan – so check your fav Mpreg recs and send them to any man that thinks he has the right to decide what you do with your body. 

While were talking girl power – my video this week is all about the awesome ladies of Beacon Hills.

Sorry I’m feeling some crazy love for my fellow women at the moment. I’m sure it will clear up eventually. And by eventually I mean never because I just really love girls okay.


As I was writing this TVline revealed a shocking spoiler. Apparently a major will die on June 15th in the episode titled “Currents”. Naturally the fandom is going crazy in response to this news trying to figure out which of our beloved characters is going to bite the dust. Popular guesses include – Melissa McCall (because of that one scene from the trailer that we don’t talk about), Boyd, Cora or possibly even Isaac.

There has been some argument about what constitutes a major character but I wouldn’t read into that. Television shows are constantly teasing the death of a ‘major’ character when it is in actual fact a supporting character – or more often than not a relatively new character that was brought in with the specific purpose of dying. So don’t rule anyone out because you think they’re not major enough. Also remember this is a supernatural show so they could always do the death cop-out where they kill someone only to bring them back by the end of the episode.

Still the whole idea does not fill me with confidence. I’m not emotionally stable during regular episodes how am I supposed to watch someone die??? The only logical option is for Teen Wolf to send someone to hold my hand while I watch (I am also open to coming to you).

In order to raise spirits a little bit I am going to leave you with this. The Backlot has created the first in what will hopefully be a series of Teen Wolf paper dolls… I might have gotten a bit carried away with the excitement.