
Friday, January 20, 2017

Weekend Recs: My Go To Totally Random Comfort Fanfics

Okay so there was a plan for this week. I had a theme and list ready to go but then I was sad about the world ending and I thought may as well throw my heart out there. If there was ever a day for self indulgent head in the sand fanfic marathoning, it is today. Tomorrow we can get back to the revolution but for today, here’s there fics I’ll be reading to save myself from thinking about the oncoming apocalypse.

As a warning this list is TOTALLY self indulgent I’m laying my deepest desires on the line here folks so not ever fic will be for you.

Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles/Derek
Rating: Explicit

Starting with the smut but like I love this fic so much. The premise is ridiculous, it starts with Stiles getting drunk and places a Craigslist ad for a straight guy to masturbate, strictly platonic. Naturally Derek replies. Sounds silly, and it is but it actually turns into this frustrating but brilliant look at internalised homophobia and biphobia and it’s just great fun with feels and porn.
Best part is you can totally enjoy this fic even if you've never seen Teen Wolf.

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: General Audiences
A mix of fanfic and fanart this is an AMAZING look at the masses of movies that might have appeared between while Steve was frozen in the ice. Basically Steve and Bucky decide to check out the Captain America canon. It’s just really fun ride through the history of pop culture to be honest, so if you’re a movie fan and a Captain America fan you’ll probably love this as much as I do.

Fandom: One Direction
Pairing: Harry/Louis
Rating: Explicit
An AU in which One Direction went in Hiatus in 2014, and two years later their ready to come back but they're just not drawing the same amount of attention so their team decides it's time to give the fans what they want: Larry Stylinson. Basically Harry and Louis fake date for promo until maybe it's not so fake any more... or is it.

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: Explicit
This is my favourite post- Captain America: The Winter Soldier fic. Bucky’s becoming Bucky again and wants to be with Steve  but the government or whatevers left of SHIELD is acting as Steve’s bodyguards… without his permission. It’s pretty much exactly how I imagine it would have played out if all our fantasies came true and Marvel actually acknowledged that Steve and Bucky are in love.
You really need to have seen the first two Captain America films for this to make sense. 

Fandom: Marvel
Rating: Explicit

This is the highest rated fic on Ao3. That’s really all you need to know just click on it okay.

Fandom Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles/Derek
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up

Not really a happy fic but the exact kind of bittersweet to hit the right feels I need at a time like this. Basically after the Stiles’ world collapses and he’s about to die he uses a last resort which ends up thrusting him into an alternate universe where the Hale fire never happened. It’s a familiar trope but it’s done in a unique and interesting way. There’s no smut but it’s quite dark.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: General Audiences

This one is practically gen. It’s all about healing the wounds of war and forgiveness but in a relatable way rather than with some epicly dramatic romance cliche. Harry and Draco go to the pub, and again, and with their friends, and so on. They talk politics and life and it’s just really warm and fluffy and great.

Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Pairing: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Rating: Explicit

Should I be ashamed about this? I’m not but I’m thinking maybe I should be because this is just Victor/Yuuri praise kink and it’s just thumbs up. It is what it is.

Fandom: Agent Carter
Pairing: Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up 
Finally some femslash, I know this list is really white and male so far but what can I say it’s my comfort food. But here and some girls and it’s so worth the wait because they are great. Angie needs Peggy’s help when her cousin gets her caught up with some mobsters. She doesn’t know Peggy’s a spy though so it’s all a bit confusing for Angie. She’s into it though don’t worry.

The Student Prince by FayJay
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: Mature

One of the go-to contemporary retellings of BBC Merlin. Basically all your faves have been reborn into the modern world, and they're reliving their mythical history... sort of. Only this time they're at university. Arthur is still a Prince, Merlin is still a wizard only this time they're officially gonna bang. Can be read as a stand alone. 

That's all I've got time for kids. Gotta run, I promise a much more structured rec next Friday. Please add your self indulgent fanfic recs in the comments if you want.