Hello lonely shippers (and those
soon to be shippers), I’m sure you’re all still a little bit upset with what happened at EW.com but have no fear because I bring you good news. This week in the
wonderful world of shipping we get our very own poll and we never ever have to
go to the EW website again.
It sucks but the truth is we have
a long way before the mass media starts to take shipping seriously, they still
see us as silly little girls that can’t control their emotions and get too
attached to fictional characters – OK maybe we are that sometimes, but we’re
also intelligent fans with interesting analysis of television series. I have no
doubt that one day our time will come shippers, but until then we will just
have to take what we can get.
Actually what we can get is
better good, I already told you about the poll that EOnline did, which had a
number non-canon, same sex pairings. It was even more awesome because the final
was between a femslash and a slash couple… and the femslash couple won! The
moment was awesome and slash shipper rejoiced. Basically everything was
rainbows and nothing hurt, well everything except the ship wars that the poll
incited. Can’t we all just get along! The answer is no of course, but honestly
where would be the fun in that anyway.
So, getting back to the point, I
am excited to say that After Ellen and After Elton are each about to hold a
competition which celebrates all things slash and femslash. Which means that
you all get to voted exclusively on all your fav same sex pairings! Oh and to clarify
they are defining Slash and Femslash as NON-CANON couples only. They can have subtext,
we love the subtext, but they can’t have an acknowledged romantic relationship
in their fictional world (forget your headcanon).
After Ellen: “Ultimate Femslash Madness Tournament”
After Elton: “Ultimate Slash Madness Tourney”
Before you go getting all uppity because
they are discriminating against all the amazing heterosexual ships out there
close your mouth, put down the keyboard and think for a moment. For starters
AfterEllen and AfterElton are concerned with LGBT representation in the media,
so they, and their readers, are not going to be interested in the abundance of heterosexual
couples out there for your shipping pleasure. Also think about ALL the best
couple polls and lists that there have been since the Internet began, they
happen all the time and the almost exclusively deal with heterosexual couples. Quick
whining and learn to embrace the slash, or go and find one of the many best heterosexual
couple polls that I’m sure are happening all over the internet right now.
For those of you that aren’t
familiar with the world of slash shipping (find an explanation of shipping here)
why not come along and enjoy the ride anyway. You might find that you have been
shipping slash without even knowing it. Head over to After Ellen and After Elton right
now because they are asking for nominations and you wouldn’t want your ship to
miss out. The competition itself will open later in the week.
I’ll try to keep you updated as
to what’s happening as the competition progresses but I may be so distracted by
voting for my own ships that I forget.
That’s all for today, check back
later in the week for more shipping news.Oh and feel free to tell us about which slash and femslash ships you will be voting for and why in the comments. You never know you might be able to recruit some voters.